Carpet Cleaning Tips – DIY Carpet Cleaning Guide
11/17/2016 (Permalink)
Carpet Cleaning Tips
Carpet cleaning is a vital part of keeping you and your toes blissfully happy. High traffic areas are prone to extra dirt and dust and should be tended to at least once a month. Below are some helpfulhome carpet cleaning tips on how to remove those pesky stains from your carpet.
New Pet Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips
Pet stains can be the trickiest to tackle. Pet stains can be one of the most popular and problematic things to clean from your carpet. Home remedies can often do the trick as well. Whether they are old or new, cleaning the area is a must for keeping you and your home healthy. Carpet cleaning pet stains should be done as soon as possible to avoid any damage to the floors below the carpet. The first thing that should be placed on the stain are paper towels. Over the paper towels should be a couple layers of newspaper. This will help extract the liquid quicker. Placing a heavy object on top of the paper stack will allow pressure to be applied on the spot for a period of time. Repeat this with stacks of towels until you know the area is dry.
After you think the area is rid of liquid, dowse the carpet with water to pick up any excess debris. Keep rinsing with water until carpet is thoroughly washed. Your local department store should have many products that can help with the excess stains if the carpet is still showing signs of damage.
Odors can be a problem as well. Opening windows and doors can help you ventilate the room and allow the spot to dry quickly and the odors to pass.
Old Pet Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips
Stains that have been left on carpets for long periods of time can still be tended to. Renting a wet vac can help with those stains. This machine works much like a vacuum cleaner. Wet vac machines are capable of forcing clean water through your carpet and then forcing the dirty water back out resulting in deep carpet cleaning. Following instructions is very important when using these machines. Don’t use any chemicals with these machines; they work much better with plain water.
Stain removers are capable of extracting old stains as well. Be careful on the type of carpet you need cleaning since directions on stain removers may very.
Wine And Juice Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips
How to remove wine and juice from your carpet
Red substances never fail to find your carpet. Whether it be grape juice or your favorite cabernet, extracting those stains from your berber needs to happen quickly. When dealing with red wine, apply white wine to the stain. This creates the initial condition of the red wine making it easier to remove. Reapply the white wine as necessary until the red stain is gone. If your carpet is still showing signs of residue, a commercial cleaner may be able to help.
Juice is another difficult stain. Applying soda water can help. Since the carbonation lets the carpet open up, it lets you flush out the stain easier. Keep applying the soda or water until the stain is removed from the carpet area.
Wax Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips
Wax cleaning tips can come in handy for any homeowner. Whether your candles have reached your carpet or your child’s crayons have melted on your shag, being able to extract the wax is important. Let the wax dry completely on your carpet before you proceed with the cleaning. Once dry, apply a paper bag over the melted wax. On medium heat, place your iron on top of the bag and iron as you would your clothes. By applying pressure to the wax and carpet, the wax should transfer to the paper bag. Repeat with a clean section of the bag until the wax has completely transferred. If any residue still exists after the ironing, a butter knife can safely scape off the excess wax.
Coffee Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips Vinegar
Coffee seems to be a popular liquid that leaves stains in your carpet and clothes. To start the cleaning process, mix a teaspoon of dish detergent in a quart of warm water, making sure the detergent is odor and dye free. Apply this mixture a little at a time. Try using a spray bottle if available. Gently work the liquid into the carpet then blot dry with a white color safe rag. Making sure the rag has no dyes in it to transfer to your carpet. Repeat this process until you have used up the mixture.
Now mix three ounces of plain white vinegar in six ounces of water and apply this to the stained area several times. Using a clean rag, blot up the substance until there is no longer any color transfer to the rag. Finish the vinegar/water solution to make sure there aren’t any hidden particles.
Make sure the carpet no longer has the odor of coffee or cleaner. This will let you know it has been successfully extracted from the carpet. Blot up as much moisture as possible. Opening a window or turning on a fan will help the drying process.
Blood Stains – Carpet Cleaning Tips
Having children always means mysterious carpet stains. Blood may make an appearance on your carpet from time to time. Since many carpets today come with stain resistant treatments acting fast is very important. Apply cold water to the stain. Do not use hot water since warm water help stains set. Blot the cold water making sure not to spread it to surrounding carpet fibers. Using a shop vac lets the water be directly sucked up, not out. Keep repeating the cold water until the stain is successfully removed. Thoroughly drying the spot makes sure that foot traffic doesn’t spread the stain even further.
Green Carpet Cleaning Tips
Last but not least, it is also important to consider green ways of cleaning like for example green carpet cleaning. It means using efficient technologies and products that are safe for you, your family and the environment of course.